Embedding Dashboard Widgets in External Applications/Websites (Sharing Reports)

Sharing Dashboards/Dashboard Widgets Externally

The Dashboard system supports embedding Dashboard Widgets and/or Dashboard Templates as iframe web/parts. Users with the Administrator role and the ' Share Report Widgets Externally' permission, you will be able to share dashboard elements with external platforms (like Google Data Studio, your Custom portal, your Saas platform, etc). 

For users that have been granted the permission to share dashboards and dashboard widgets externally,


that user has the ability to create external links/embed codes that will expose that widget outside of the ActiveDEMAND login environment. This can be useful for embedding dashboards/dashboard widgets in external portals, or to quickly share report content with a constituent without giving that user a login to your account.




Sharing dashboard widgets can share private contact to external viewers. Using the embedded widget system should be done with care. The only employees that are allowed to create and share dashboard widgets are administrators that have been granted the 'Share Report Widgets Externally' permission



If this permission has been granted, that user will now see sharing options on dashboard widgets,


and dashboard templates



And on campaign funnel views:



If this is clicked, the user will be presented with the option to create a shared asset for that widget:


If clicked, ActiveDEMAND will create a shared asset.



  1. External link: This is a link to the widget that will allow any person who has that link to view the dashboard widget/dashboard in any browser
  2. Iframe for embedding the widget in an external web page
  3. Advanced options for customizing the embed code
  4. Delete the shared object ( this will remove access to the widget/dashboard from all people who had the link and remove access for the iframe)

Embed Code Advanced Options:


If you choose to expose the advanced options for the embed code, you will get a lot more control over the object. Depending on the object you are exporting, various options will be presented.



today, yesterday, past_7_days, current_month, last_month, past_30_days, past_6_months, past_12_months, next_7_days, next_month, next_30_days, next_6_months, next_12_months, custom


If custom is chosen, you can set values for 

start_date: yyyy-mm-dd

end_date: yyyy-mm-dd


This code can be embedded in an external web asset. Depending on the widget, there are some run-time parameters that can be set for the embedded widget. Click the Custom Options button to expose the custom options for the given widget.


As this exposes account data to an external system, security is very important. When an embed code is created for a widget, it creates a new sharable asset that can be accessed under Administration->Shared Assets:



Clicking the 'eye' icon will expose the modal with your new object embed code:


Sharing dashboard data does have security ramifications thus it is very important that you monitor who has the share asset permission, and which assets are being shared.



  1. Which user shared the asset
  2. When it was shared
  3. Last time the exported asset was accessed by an external user
  4. the embed code
  5. delete the share

Not all dashboard widgets are exportable with an external share. Most are, but there are a few that currently do not support exports. 


The following types of widgets are currently not supported in embedded dashboards: 

  • Kanbans
  • Campaign/appointment calendars
  • Campaign scheduled posts
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