Dynamic fields are a very powerful feature of ActiveDEMAND. They allow you to insert information automatically into emails, phone scripts, queries, and more.
Dynamic fields are effectively variables that allow you to extract specific information on a contact or organization.
Below are some of the most common questions we receive about dynamic fields, and their use.
Q: Where do I find dynamic fields? Is there a list of dynamic fields I can see?
A: Anywhere you see the icon in the image below, it will pull up a list of all the dynamic fields you can search for. Use the search bar to look for the field you are after, click the field on the list, and select 'Insert'
Q: What if data does not exist for a dynamic field I'm using?
A: If the dynamic field does not find any data it will not show anything. However, for cases like that you can substitute a term in its place.
For example, using the %CONTACT.FIRST_NAME% dynamic field will only display the contact's first name, if it even exists on the contact profile. If it doesn't exist, then nothing will appear. By modifying the dynamic field to %CONTACT.FIRST_NAME[there]% it will display 'there' in situations where there is no first name.
This example is useful in emails. If you start your email with Hi %CONTACT.FIRST_NAME[there]%, the email will start with 'Hi there' if no contact name exists - otherwise it will say 'Hi Bob' if the contact's name is Bob.
Q: I have custom fields that have data I want to insert into an email, how can I do this?
A: Every custom field you make will have a dynamic field you can call on to grab its data. You can find this dynamic field by clicking the tag icon and searching for the name of your custom field in the search bar. Click the field from the list, and hit the 'Insert' button. You can then use either the custom field name or ID within parenthesis in these particular dynamic fields to reference the information that is populated in a specific custom field on a users profile. To get this ID you can navigate to Administration--Field Management
Q: What's the difference between 'Formatted Value' and 'Raw Value'?
A: You may have noticed some dynamic fields have an option to select the 'Formatted Value' or the 'Raw Value'.
In the vast majority of cases you will want the 'Formatted Value'.
The difference between the two is that the formatted value will use the actual datatype of that field. The raw value uses the datatype that the value is stored as in our database, which is a text/character datatype.
For example, the formatted value for the number '1' would be what you would expect, a number. The raw value for '1' would be a text/character datatype.
Q: Are dynamic fields the same thing as custom fields?
A: No. Custom fields are simply fields you can make yourself to store specific information or data about contacts and organizations. However, every custom field will have dynamic field created for it when you make the custom field. This way you can call on that field's value later, like in an email.
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