To restrict an appointment calendar to specific dates, you can add the following code in the Custom Script Tag section of the form.
You will need to modify start_date and end_date to your chosen dates:
var calendar_check = setInterval(function(){ var start_date = '2023-05-08'; var end_date = '2023-05-10'; if (AD && AD.jQuery && AD.jQuery('%FORM.HTML_ID% div.appointment-calendar').data('datepicker')) { var datepicker = AD.jQuery('%FORM.HTML_ID% div.appointment-calendar').data('datepicker'); datepicker._process_options({startDate: start_date, endDate: end_date}); datepicker.setDate(start_date); AD.jQuery('%FORM.HTML_ID% div.appointment-calendar').trigger('jd:ajax-update', [new Date(start_date)]); clearInterval(calendar_check); } },200);
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