ActiveDEMAND's Automated Content Processing System

ActiveDEMAND automates several aspects of your content library.

  1. Automatically create and schedule Social Posts when content arrives 
  2. Automatically Email Content Subscriber when new content arrives 
  3. Automatically push the right cards into the correct accounts
  4. Automatically set targeting of content when new content arrives
  5. Automatically collect content from external sources 


Content Card Matching

When new cards are added to your Content Card library, you can create rules to take some action on the new card. For all content processes that are triggered when new content cards are created, the automations first analyze the incoming card to see if it matches a filtering criteria. The card matching is configured in the same way for all card processing tools.

  1. The automation will execute when the new Content Card Excerpt Contains
    This allows you to create a filter (using regular expressions) for inspecting the new card's excerpt
  2. The automation will execute when the new Content Card matches the set of Topics
  3. The automation will execute when the new Content Card matches the set of Categories
  4. The automation will execute when the new Content Card was created from one of the sources listed
  5. The automation will execute when the title of the Content Card matches the regular expression query
  6. The automation will execute if the content was created by the following authors. An author must be an employee of the account
  7. The automation will execute if the card was created after the date listed

Configure the targeting rule's match criteria to ensure the card matches the associated rule. A new Content Card must match ALL of the configured Content Card filters. The Title and Excerpt textboxes support regular expressions. Regular expressions can be a bit complex. You can type regular text in the boxes and it should match as long as you do not have special characters. Check out this link (regular expressions) to test your filter.


Automatic Social Posting of Content

When new Content Cards are added to your Content Card LIbrary, you can set up rules to automatically schedule social posts (and create a repeating post schedule) for content.


Automated Social Post creation is only available if you have a Corporate Marketer package


This automation type will automatically create and schedule social posts using the content in the new Content Card

  1. Calendar Campaign that the posts will be scheduled in
  2. The target social channels for the content to be posted 
  3. The post queue for the scheduled posts
  4. Repeat the posts every <n><frequency>
  5. How many times to repeat the posts

When a new Content Card is created that matches the filtering criteria, this automation will schedule a post for the configured social channels to be posted on the next available upcoming time post slot.  In the above configuration, if a new matching Content Card arrives on Saturday, a Tweet and an Instagram post will be scheduled to in the configured campaign for Monday at 9 a.m.. If new matching Content Card arrives the next day (Sunday), a new Tweet and Instagram post will be scheduled to be posted Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. (the next available post slot). All of the configured social channels will have at most, one post per Post Slot scheduled. For a given post, for all configured social channels, the automation will create additional posts based on the configured repeat configuration


Automatic Content Card Newsletters 

When new Content Cards are added to your Content Card LIbrary, you can set up rules to automatically schedule newsletters to be sent to your content subscribers.


Automated Newsletter creation is only available if you have a Corporate Marketer package


  1. Campaign that the newsletter will be created in
  2. The maximum frequency that a new newsletter will be created
  3. The email template that will be used for the newsletter
  4. The details of when the newsletter will be sent
  5. A screenshot of the email template being used to send the email

For the above configuration, if a matching Content Card arrives on Saturday, an email will be created using the configured template to be sent on Monday at 9 a.m.. If a new matching Content Card is created the next day (Sunday), the card will be added to the already scheduled email that was created by the rule the day before. The rule above will send, at most, one newsletter per week on Monday at 9 am. If no content is created, no Newsletter will be sent

The configured email template must have a Content Card content block.

The Content Card block controls how many Content Cards will be sent. If the content card matches the configured automation, but does not match the configuration on the Content Card block, a newsletter will be sent with the configured default message.  Thus it is important to configure your email template correctly. 

Automatic Content Card Cloning Rules


Automated Content Cloning is only available if you have a Corporate Marketer package


Content Automations are only triggered when new cards are created. Thus if you want automations to be triggered in a multi-tenant environment, then you will want to consider using the Content Cloning automation rules.



Automatic Content Card Targeting Rules


Automated Content Targeting is only available if you have a Corporate Marketer package


To ensure every Content Card has the appropriate targeting, you can set up Content Card targeting rules that are automatically applied to any new Content Card that matches an associated rule targeting filter. A targeting rule will override any existing targeting that was set on the Content Card during Content Card creation. This important to note. If you create a Content Card in a campaign for example, if you set the targeting, hit save, the targeting rules you have set up may override the Content Card targeting. Content Card targeting rules are only applied to a Content Card once: when the Content Card is created. Thus any subsequent editing of a Content Card will not go through the Content Card targeting rules


Content Card targeting rules are matched in order from the top down. Thus when a new Content Card is created, the Content Card is processed by the first targeting rule, if the Content Card matches the filters for that rule, the targeting is set using that rule and no subsequent rules are checked. You can re-order the targeting rules on the rule table.



Automatically Importing Content Cards using the RSS feed reader

You can import Content Cards by subscribing to an external RSS feed. This is a great way to import blog posts as they are created, product definitions from eCommerce platforms, etc. If you are subscribing to an RSS feed from your WordPress blog, the RSS feed does not, by default, include the feature images in the feed.  If you are using the ActiveDEMAND WP plugin (version 0.2.38 or higher) , your RSS feeds will automatically have images injected into the feed. 

Once you have your RSS feed set up and exposed (this is on by default with WordPress), you can set up an RSS subscription in ActiveDEMAND.


Clicking the 'New Feed' button will bring up this modal:


You will have to check with your source documentation to get the proper URL for your feed. For WordPress, the blog feed is

Be sure to set a Target Name (i.e. the name of the button for the Content Card). That is it. Once you save and activate the feed, ActiveDEMAND will pull the RSS feed and create stories. Most blog RSS feeds will give you the last 10 posts in the feed, thus if you want all the posts, you have to do an export/import as described earlier.  ActiveDEMAND will poll the feed for new content 2 times per day. To manually trigger a Feed poll, deactivate, then re-activate the feed.


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