Automating Conversations with ActiveDEMAND Chatbot - Webchat - virtual assistant

With the ActiveDEMAND's WebChat, you can automate conversations by combining the Chatbot's form query capabilities with ActiveDEMAND's campaigns.


Form Engagement

You can use a web form to guide the chatbot's question sequence. A series of form fields with custom prompts can be used to guide the conversation with a website visitor. Many of the form field types can be served via the chatbot. In the form builder you will see which form fields are supported by the chat bot:


These elements can be served by either configuring the webchat's greeting message or by using the Web Chat workflow action


  1. Form to be served
  2. Form field
  3. Re-order fields
  4. Webchat prompt
  5. Remove field
  6. Add fields

For the given field sequence, the configured prompt is displayed to the visitor and the web chat input changes to adapt to the type of question being asked.

  1. Field Prompt
  2. Button Form Field


Button Actions and Field display logic:

All display logic is ignored when using form fields in chat. The button actions that are supported in chat the popup trigger and go to external URL


If all buttons in the button group are configured to use actions, no 'next' button will appear when a button is clicked.


If the visitor answers all of the questions configured in the workflow action/chat configuration, a form submit history item will be created to capture the submitted field elements. If the visitor closes the browser before completing all of the questions, a form submit with with the fields that were submitted will be created. The next time the visitor visits the site, the remaining questions will be served. As there could potentially be many form submits via chat, we strongly recommend turning off lead notifications on forms served via chat. In the form editor, you can disable lead processing workflows:


The History Items Generated

There are two important history items that are generated with chat engagement:

  1. WebchatMessage
  2. WebchatDiscussion


Whenever a message is recorded, a WebChat message history item is created. The WebChatMessage. An important attribute of the WebChatMessage history item is the 'Role'.

Role: this is the role of the contact that posted the message. It can be one of 

Role: User This is someone who is on the website engaging with the live chat.

Role: Attendant This is someone with a user account and is logged into ActiveDEMAND and posting messages from within the platform

Role: System This is a message posted using automation (workflow action)

WebchatDiscussion: A WebChatDicussion history item is recorded, at most, once per hour. This history item collects the entire set of WebChatMessages that occur during one hour for a given contact. This is designed to summarize a chat when delivering chat notifications to CRMs or summarizing a chat with a contact.


The WebChatDiscussion history item is usually used as the trigger for a sales lead notification workflow (as you do not want to bother sales with every message that is posted)


Google Analytics Events Posted

ActiveDEMAND will automatically post a WebChatMessage event to Google Analytics for every WebChatMessage history item and a WebChat event for every WebChatDIscussion history item generated.



Using Automation

You can trigger a chat dialog using WebChatDiscussion, WebChatMessage, or Forms (if you are using forms in your chat configuration). If you are using forms in your default chat configuration, we recommend using the form submit starting step for a chat automation:



This ensures your  drip campaign will trigger only when the initial form is submitted.

Using the Post Web Chat Message workflow action, you can continue the conversation serving form fields.

Although it is possible to add many form fields into a single action, it is recommended that you use as few as possible per action. This allows you to check the responses and not query for information that you already have collected on the individual:


Although the dialog is being recorded as form submits, WebChatMessage history items are capturing the prompt/response dialog. This can be viewed in the conversation inbox


Learn how to set up the ActiveDEMAND AI Chatbot

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