How multi-tenant tracking works for accounts using the same website domain

If you have multiple accounts, all on the same domain, each account exclusively tracks the engagement for the portion of the website allocated to the account. 


For the above to work, the generic tracking script should be on all pages. ActiveDEMAND will ensure the correct website traffic is associated with the appropriate account.


DNI Pools and Call Tracking

If you are looking to get attribution on calls, it is important to set up DNI pools in each account. Thus if someone calls, the correct account is tracking the attribution and has the lead.


Form Submits

And ActiveDEMAND account will only record a form submits if:

  1. The form belongs to a the account. An account will only accept forms submits from forms that were created in the account.  For example, The Oaks account will only accept form submits from forms that were created in the Oaks account. The Oaks account will never record form submits from forms created in any other account, regardless of whether the forms were deployed on the portion of the website that the account The Oaks is tracking.
  2. The form is being submitted from a URL that matches the account where the form was created. ActiveDEMAND will only accept form submits in an account if the account is authorized to track the URL where the form is deployed. If you create a form in the top level account in the diagram above, and deploy the form on any page below /the-oaks/.* , the form submit will not be recorded by ActiveDEMAND.


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