Community/Child Account Contact Sync

In a multi-tenant environment, a contact may be visiting more than one location.


In the example above, Bob Smith exists as a record in two child accounts.


In order to control communications across locations, using the Community/Child Account contact sync service, contacts can be tagged based on their engagement in multiple child accounts. In the Corporate Account the service can be administered via

Senior Living Mode B2B/B2C Mode


Multiple Child Account Engagement Detection

This service allows you to tag contacts that are engaging with multiple Child Accounts. If it is detected that a contact is in multiple Child Accounts, this service will tag the contact using a configured tag. You as well can choose to copy the contact into the corporate/top level account. If a contact is copied into the top-level/corporate account, the contact will have tags added for each of the Child Accounts the contact is currently in.


Once this is enabled, the service will run once a day and analyze the contacts in the child accounts.  Matching is based on a contact's email address and/or Phone Number

There is no configuration required (or available) in each of the child accounts. 

You may want to set up segments, suppression lists, and/or hygiene tasks in each of the child accounts to manage communications with the multi-account engaged contacts.


For any shared contact, one of the accounts the contact record appears in will be designated as the 'primary account'. The primary account determination is based on the following logic (in order)

  1. The contact is connected to a 'Deal/Prospect' object that is in the highest Deal/Prospect stage
  2. The contact that has had the highest number of conversions
  3. The contact that had the first conversion
  4. The contact that was created first


Tags Applied

To help you manage contacts engaging in multiple accounts there are system tags that are added to help you with contact segmentation.


In Community/Child accounts

When it is detected that a contact record appears in more than one the following tags will be applied:

[user defined tags] (any tags configured in the options)

'primary-shared-contact' or 'secondary-shared-contact'


In top account

If the 'copy duplicate contacts into this account' option is selected, the following tags will be assigned to contacts that were copied into the top account.

[user defined tags] (any tags configured in the options)

'engaging-in-<Account Name>' or 'engaging-in-<Account Name>-primary' (for the primary account for the contact)






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