Getting Started with the Kanban Dashboard Widget

Basics of ActiveDEMAND: Getting Started with Kanban Widgets 

This video covers the basics of ActiveDEMAND. You will learn:

  • How to use the kanban widget



The Organization/Company Kanban

The Organization/Company Kanban dashboard widget is a great tool for managing the entire lifecycle of your relationship with a company. As a cross functional tool, this allows multiple employees work from a common interface to work together on ensuring success through the long run.

  1. Segment Filter
  2. Card View/ List view toggle
  3. Board configuration
  4. Organization card
  5. Swimlane

This widget views the Organizations/Companies within your database through the lense of an Organization custom field (single option picklist). The above widget is displaying the companies that have the Organization custom field 'Classification' set. You can drag contacts between swim lanes. This sets the value of the associated custom field. 

  1. Email Organization
  2. Unset/Remove card
  3. Call Organization
  4. Edit Organization

You can edit a card by either clicking directly on the card or by clicking on the Edit button. Hovering over the Edit button will expose the hover menu

You can add additional information to the cards by configuring custom fields

To configure the kanban, click on the board configuration button. 

  1. Swimlanes Custom Field
  2. Maximum Cards per view
  3. Additional custom fields displayed on the card

Card Edit

  1. Details Tab
  2. Engagement Tab
  3. Activity Tab
  4. Deals Tab
  5. Employees Tab
  6. Related Orgs Tab
  7. Files Tab
  8. Create Client Account (multi-tenant)
  9. Edit previous card
  10. Edit next card
  11. Related client accounts

Create Client Account

If you are in the multi-tenant environment, this will use the information that is contained on the currently selected card as the basis for creating a client account. This is a fast way of getting the account set up.


Related Client Accounts

In the multi-tenant environment, adding a related client account to the Organisation card is a great way to see the status of a client sub account.

  1. Switch to the related client account
  2. Login to the related client account
  3. Is the client account currently collecting website visits?
  4. Are the CNAME records currently set up?
  5. Are there active call tracking numbers in this account?
  6. Is the live chat deployed for this account?
  7. Is Reveal! enabled for this account?
  8. Parent account quick link
  9. Tags set in the client account settings

Engagement Tab

The engagement tab is used for inter-company communication. You can discuss the account (supports user mentions) or create/assign tasks


Activity Tab

The Activity Tab is used for viewing engagement with the employees of the selected company.


Deals Tab


This tab shows all of the related deals for this company


Related Orgs Tab


This tab allows you to see/create inter company named relationships.


Learn more about ActiveDEMAND

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