Setting up Contact and Organization Custom Fields

ActiveDEMAND starts with a basic set of Organizational and Contact fields. To keep things simple, ActiveDEMAND has a small set of attributes for both Organizations and Contacts. You may want to add your own set of Custom Fields to an Organization or Contact



Read About Employee Custom Fields

Read About Brand Custom Fields


Each custom field you create will create:

  • A custom field that shows up on every Contact (if the field is a Contact custom field) or Organization (if the field is an Organization custom field)
  • A webform element for inputting the custom data
  • A dynamic field for displaying an organization or contact's data in an email or Landing Page 
  • A query element for use in the query engine
The format of the dynamic field for custom fields:



Depending on the custom field type, the formatted version will be styled with HTML.


Most custom fields can be referenced directly by their custom fields name as ActiveDEMAND will automatically create dynamic fields for all custom fields.



If you have a custom field called 'Deal Stage' and you are looking for the value:



To build a custom field, browse to your Field Management




Click the Add Custom Field Type button, and you are on your way!


In the form Editor, you will find your custom fields:


And on your form:



Querying Custom Fields

Using the query engine to find custom fields, you will need to reference the field name and the field value.



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