Getting Started with ActiveDEMAND Popups

ActiveDEMAND allows you to design and deploy popups, tooltips, and subscriber bars without ever opening up the target website back-end! Plus, no other popup technology offers the power of ActiveDEMAND popups! The popups are deployed using ActiveDEMAND's tracking script. Thus if your website has an ActiveDEMAND tracking script, you are good to go!


Setting up your tracking script:


Once you have the tracking script, create your popup using the Popup Builder (Assets->Popups). All of your popups will be listed in the table, and you will have to ensure the popup is enabled for it to properly deploy.


There are several types of popups available:

  • Tool Tip ( a simple object that slides out at the right time ... used to inform or direct)
  • Popup ( the classic, in your face, do this form/button widget)
  • Subscriber 'push down' bar (a subscriber bar that pushes down the website from the top)
  • Bottom overlay (a push up, over the top of the website subscriber bar)
There are several templates to choose from, each can be customized just like all other ActiveDEMAND assets. 
Popup Conditions

There are ways a popups can be triggered. On the side accordion in the builder you can choose from a large set of popup conditions



The list of conditions is extensive. To get the true power out of the system, use the Advanced Query builder to target with laser-focus on the exact person you are looking to convert. 




Note: Dynamic Fields WORK on popups. Thus if the person viewing the popup has their anonymity removed, you can use things like Hey %CONTACT.FIRST_NAME%, check this out! 


Close Conditions

Ways to trigger the close of the Popup. In the case of closing on link or button click include the attributes or href given to the button. 


Popup Animations

There are ways to set how the popup is animated when it is triggered and when it is closed. There are several animation types to and starting position.




Popups require at least a  Small Business Marketer Account.



Learn More About Dynamic Content



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