Setting Up Chrome Extension White Labeling

If you are a marketing agency, branding the win is a very important strategy for keeping your retainer's happy. With the ActiveDEMAND for Chrome extension white labeling, you can push your brand onto your client's desktop every time someone engages with their website. As well you can give your clients the ability to track outbound emails and outbound call tracking, all while keeping your brand front and center. 


As the extension is in the Google marketplace, the listing name etc is still displayed as ActiveDEMAND. This restriction is imposed by Google. That being said, once it is installed, the branding is all yours after setup.


When someone visits your client's website, fills out forms, clicks links etc, the browser notification your client sees will have your brand:


The browser plugin as well has your branding:


And the gmail tracking menus:


Setting Up Chrome Extension White Labeling Video

If you want to see how this magic is done watch this video (or follow the step-by-step below the video).



Step By Step


To set this up, go into your account settings (Administration->Account Settings->Account Setup)


There are 2 logos and one link. As the plugin manages outbound call tracking, if there are no phone numbers set up in your client's ActiveDEMAND account, if they click the phone icon, the default behavior is to direct the client to a page that shows them how to setup a tracked number. You can control where this link leads (and the messaging). 


Be very careful to ensure your image sizing fallows the guidelines.

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