Often marketers have a lot of content that needs to be produced and published. With ActiveDEMAND it is easy to schedule social posts, emails etc. Making mistakes can negatively impact the brand, erodes trust, and could have a negative impact on the business. Thus, this process is imperative in seeing success. For those with the ActiveDEMAND Corporate Marketer package, ActiveDEMAND has a built-in content approval process. This allows you to ensure content does not get published without the appropriate approvals and checks to ensure content has been reviewed and is authorized for publication.
Note: Content Moderation is currently only available in the Corporate Marketer Package Subscription or to ActiveDEMAND marketing agency partners.
The basics of content moderation
There are two roles:
Content Editor: a person who submits content for approval.
Content Moderator: a person who approves a specific story
Note: Content Editors cannot moderate/approve their own content. If a moderator wants to edit content that is in the queue for moderation, the moderator can reject the content, edit the content, and submit it for moderation. When this happens the moderator becomes the editor and someone else will need to approve the content.
A story (email/social post/ blog post) can have several states. If the content moderator is allowed to edit content, this is the expected behavior:
Draft/Draft (revisions requested):
Whenever a blog post, email in a campaign, or a social media post is created, the content starts in Draft mode. In Draft mode is the only state that content can be edited in. Once the content is ready for review, the editor submits the content for approval. The content can be submitted for review using the 'Submit For Approval' button that is accessible in the content editor.
Note: Content can only be edited when the status is Draft.
Pending Review:
Once the content has been submitted, the content moderators are notified about pending moderation. The Editor cannot edit the content without taking it out of Pending Review (and back to Draft) by clicking the 'Retract' button in the publication tab in the content editor. The moderator can either approve the content or reject the content by clicking the appropriate button in the editor.
Draft (Revisions Requested):
Content has been rejected. It is back in draft mode.
In this state, the content has been approved and is now scheduled for publication. The content cannot be edited unless it is brought back into draft mode and the process begins again from the Draft state.
Content that was scheduled is now released and cannot be edited.
Enabling Content Moderation
If your package supports content moderation, this can be enabled in the administration section of the product. The content moderation can be controlled by content type
It is assumed that any content that exists before you click the 'enable' checkbox has been approved.
Moderators Editing Content
In the base process, moderators can only approve/reject content. In some cases, you may want to expedite process approvals by having the moderator have the ability to make a change and go. This is set in the account settings.
When content changes happen or when comments are made on content, often the constituents want to know. ActiveDEMAND provides a notification system that allows you to control the notifications. You can modify the notification messages and/or notification triggers in the account settings (Administration->Account Settings-]Account Setup)
Content Moderation Table
Once content moderation has been enabled, a new asset is exposed in the left-hand main menu under Content.
All scheduled content
This is the list of all content stories that are approved and ready to publish.
My Approvals
This lists all stories that are queued for me to moderate
My Content
That content that I authored and/or submitted for approval
For content moderation to work, your account administrator will need to assign the appropriate permissions. The permission you are looking to give is 'Content Moderator'.
Those with moderator permissions will be given the ability to become content moderators and be allowed to approve/reject content.
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