Reporting Features in ActiveDEMAND

With ActiveDEMAND reporting you are able to access important data on your prospect's journey, as well as access accurate attribution information for your marketing efforts. All under one interface. 


Across your reports, you will find similar terminology. 

Note: ActiveDEMAND will attempt to suppress activities performed by employees of the account in the reporting. As marketers, we are often doing a lot of testing, thus if you want to see the tests in the reports, please be sure to test with a prospect (i.e. a contact that is not an employee of the account)


Please reference our definitions used in the reports article for more information on the language and terminology used in your reports.

Reports can be accessed inside your ActiveDEMAND interface by navigating to Analytics => Reports

Widgets can be accessed inside your ActiveDEMAND interface by navigating to Analytics => Dashboard and clicking the 'Add Content!' icon. 



Lead Funnel Report


Available in Corporate Subscription

The lead funnel report displays data on your prospects as they move from a new lead to a marketing qualified lead and to a Sales Qualified lead.

Why use it?

This report allows you to gain insight into where your contacts are in the sales funnel, as well as metrics on where and how the conversion happened. 



Phone Report


Available in all subscriptions

The phone report displays call tracking data including who called, when they called, call duration, and other forms of attribution like keywords, landing pages, ad groups, location, and call forensics. It will also report on the status of the call such as no answer, completed, or ringing. If a call was not answered or did not direct to voicemail it will report as no answer, however if the call is answered or voicemail picks up, it will report as completed. If the status is ringing, we should see this update once the call has concluded and it will be updated with either no answer or completed.

Why use it?

The report will allow you to track important data on attribution for your call tracking numbers and your DNI pools



Social Media Campaign Report

Available in all subscriptions

The social media campaign report displays data associated with specific ActiveDEMAND social media campaigns


Why use it?

This report provides insight into social engagement, posts, site visits, new leads, and goal completions as a result of your social media campaigns.



Campaign Comparison Report


Available in Email Marketer and Above

The campaign comparison report compares every campaign type you have initiated across your account. This includes Drip Campaigns, Newsletter Campaigns, Generic Campaigns, and Event Campaigns. For a list of all available campaign types please reference the Campaign Types in ActiveDEMAND article. 

Why use it?
This report gives you visibility into how all of your campaigns are performing under one interface. Data in this report includes website visitors, new leads, total leads, and goal completions.




Visit Sources Report


Available in Small Business Marketer and above

The visit sources report shows you how visitors are accessing your website. 

Why use it?

This report gives you information on how your website is being accessed through your various marketing channels. 



Campaign Summary Report


Available in Email Marketer and above

The campaign summary report displays an overview of data for all types of campaigns in ActiveDEMAND. Including Drip Campaigns, Newsletter Campaigns, Generic Campaigns, and Event Campaigns. For an overview of your campaign types please take a look at the Campaign Types in ActiveDEMAND article.  

Why use it?

This report gives you valuable insight into website visitors, leads, goals, and conversions across all campaign types.


Survey Results Report


Available in Email Marketer and above

The survey results report provides data on survey fields used in your forms.

Why use it?

This report displays reporting on survey fields you have used in your ActiveDEMAND forms and campaigns.


Drip Campaign Report

Available in Small Business Marketer and Above

The drip campaign report displays data associated with your Drip Campaigns in ActiveDEMAND. 

Why use it?

This report displays information on contact participants, exits, activity, link clicks, and leads resulting from your drip campaigns.


Note The bar graphs at the top of this report show 'for all time'. The date range selectors on this report only filter the individual report sections.




Email campaign Report


Available in Email Marketer and above

The email campaign report displays data associated with your Newsletter Campaigns.

Why use it?

This report provides insight into how your newsletter campaigns are performing. This includes unsubscribes, opens, link clicks, new leads and more. 

 Note: Global average bars on the email performance graph is the average stat achieved for the account across ALL email sends.



Conversion Attribution Report 


Available in Email Marketer and above

The conversion attribution report displays data on all conversions within a time period you select. 

Why use it?
This report displays data on website visitors, conversions, goal completions, goal completion leads, and other general data on leads from campaigns in ActiveDEMAND.



First Touch Conversion Attribution Report


Available in Email Marketer and above

The first conversion attribution report displays data about where the first conversion of your contacts originated within a time period you select. 

Why use it?

This report details where the first touchpoint of a contact's first conversion originated.

Example: If a contact submits a form, and they clicked a link in an email to get to this form, this report will tell you the contact was introduced through an email.



Last Touch Conversion Attribution Report



Available in Email Marketer and above

This report details how the first visit originated for a contact that led to a conversion.

Why use it?

This report gives you attribution on where a contact originated from. This includes website visits, conversions, new leads, and goal completions. 




Form Report


Available in Email Marketer and above

The form report displays data associated with the forms you build or associate with ActiveDEMAND. 

Why use it?

This report shows you all contact data associated with the form submit as well as when it was submitted, the medium, and source.



Phone Rollup Report 


Available in Call Tracking and Above

This report is identical to the basic phone report except it gathers all call information from call tracking numbers in your sub-accounts and agency account. 

Why use it?

This report is useful for agencies with many sub-accounts and call tracking numbers, as it displays all sub-account phone call information in one report. 




Contact Custom Field Details 



Available in Call Tracking and Above

This report allows you to view  contacts in the context of s selected custom single option picklist

Why use it?

This report is useful for viewing your contact DB as a funnel based on a single option picklist custom field. For example, Role, Deal Stage,  Etc.



Organization Custom Field Drilldown Report



Available in Call Tracking and Above

This report allows you to view  Companies (Organizations) based on classification by a custom organization level single option picklist

Why use it?

This report is useful for viewing your Account DB as a funnel based on a single option picklist custom field. This is great for account-based marketing. 



With widgets, you can create easily viewable and accessible dashboards or custom email reports with important data from your marketing initiatives. These widgets provide data from Analytics = Reports, and also provide unique metrics with specialized widgets.

Access your widgets section by navigating to Analytics => Dashboard and clicking the 'Add Content' button.


Learn More About Dashboard Widgets


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