A Checklist For New Account Onboarding

For those folks that are onboarding a lot of clients onto the ActiveDEMAND platform, here is a simple checklist for you to ensure you have ActiveDEMAND completely set up for your clients.

  1. Run through the account setup wizard to ensure the basics are setup.
    • Set up all account information (Website URL is very important we suggest, in a separate tab, browse to the website, copy the url from the browser address bar and then paste it in the AD wizard)
    • Ensure there is at least one employee in the account (the default sales person)
  2. Set up the brand (including the email header image, logo, favicon). 
    Setting Up Your Brand in ActiveDEMAND (Video) 
    • Header Image Size: 600x150
    • Logo size: 250x150 transparent background png
    • Favicon size 32x32
  3. Add the tracking script to the website 
    Setting up the tracking script for your website
  4. Add/Authorize Google Analytics (Administration-Account Settings- Integrations - Third Party Applications- Add Application) 
    Integrating ActiveDEMAND with Google Services
  5. Add/Authorize Social Media accounts (Administration-Account Settings- Integrations - Social Media-Add Social Media)
  6. Set up the CNAME Records 
    Integrating ActiveDEMAND with your website/email server
  7. Set up the sales distribution list (account employees who are going to get leads). Add the employee contacts (Administration-Account Settings-Add Employee). Add the appropriate contacts to the Sales Distribution contact list
    Setting Up Sales Lead Notifications
  8. Set up an Email Template (Assets-Email Template Library-New Email Template)
  9. Integrate the web forms for the website 
    How do I embed a form on my website?
  10. Agency: Set up the lead notification brand (Administration-Account Settings-Account Setup [Lead Notification Brand]). This will ensure the lead notifications are using the agency brand.


Very important:

Never set the default marketing reply email address and/or the primary sales/marketing contact using a public ISP email address. Google does not allow any ESP to send from a gmail.com address.
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