Creating and Publishing a Landing Page in Facebook using ActiveDEMAND

ActiveDEMAND landing pages can be published as stand-alone pages or as a custom Facebook tab on your company Facebook account. Note that Page Tabs feature is only available to Pages with 2000 or more followers, or pages managed by whitelisted apps (this is a restriction implemented by Facebook).

The setup process is quite simple.

Step 1: Create a Landing Page in ActiveDEMAND (

Things to consider: As the page will be displayed in an iFrame inside Facebook, your page will be rendering at around 600px wide. Thus you need to optimize the page for the 'Medium' setting on the responsive builder. 

Step 2: Ensure you have authenticated your Facebook inside your ActiveDEMAND account (

Step 3: In your account settings (Administration->Account Settings) you will find a section called Facebook Integration under the Integrations tab. As you may have more than one Facebook page that you are an administrator for ... choose the Facebook page that you would like your Landing Page to appear on. 

Step 4: Choose the Landing Page you created in Step 1 in the 'Landing Page to Appear in Facebook Tab' drop down

Step 5: In the Facebook Tab Name box, give your page a name. This will show up in Facebook

Step 6: Check the 'Publish Landing Page to Facebook' check box and you are done!

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