Integrating Pipedrive with ActiveDEMAND

Supercharge Pipedrive - Accelerate your Sales


ActiveDEMAND adds some killer features to Pipedrive:

  • Automating Deal progressions
  • Automatic lead insertion
  • Contact insertions 
  • Click to call
  • Deal closed won posting to ActiveDEMAND
  • Scheduled contact sync
  • Lead scoring
  • etc

If you are interested in trying this out, get your FREE trial account here:  Click For Free Trial


As Pipedrive forces assignment of a lead to a specific salesperson in Pipedrive, you will require at least one salesperson in Pipedrive to have an account in ActiveDEMAND.






Before getting started, consider reviewing this article on CRM Integration Strategies.


ActiveDEMAND Lead Insights for Pipedrive

To get the most out of ActiveDEMAND and Pipedrive, your first step should be to install the ActiveDEMAND Lead Insights Chrome extension. This adds outbound call tracking, prospect and account overlays into Pipedrive.





Install Lead Insights Now




The Basics



ActiveDEMAND is used to market to prospects, nurture leads, and report on marketing/sales results. Not all data from ActiveDEMAND should go to Pipedrive ... there are many very early-stage actions that a prospect may take that are not yet ready for sales engagement. Using Automation, you can determine which prospect activities are ready for Pipedrive and which are not.  The base case: Data flowing to Pipedrive from ActiveDEMAND happens when a prospect does something that ActiveDEMAND is tracking. For example, a prospect fills out a form, this could create a new deal in Pipedrive. 


Note: The flow of data FROM ActiveDEMAND to Pipedrive is controlled in the Lead Processing workflows (Automation->Lead Processing)


If we can make the assumption that marketing 'assumes' a lot of things about a prospect, and that the salespeople 'know' what is going on with a prospect, then we can assume that the data in Pipedrive is 'more accurate' than that in ActiveDEMAND. Thus when a contact updates in Pipedrive, we should tell ActiveDEMAND about the contact. 


Note: Data flowing FROM Pipedrive to ActiveDEMAND is handled automatically using the Import Scheduler (Contacts->CRM Contact Updates).

The CRM Contact Update system sets up the connection between PD to AD. It is not a scheduler ... there is a real-time update from PD to AD whenever a contact is updated in PD.


Setting Up Pipedrive and ActiveDEMAND Communication


Steps 1-4 needs to be done for each sales person in your organization who has a Pipedrive account.

In Pipedrive 

Step 1:
In your Pipedrive account (in pipedrive), go to the Apps & Integrations section of Pipedrive



Step 2:

Find the ActiveDEMAND application (Marketing Automation->ActiveDEMAND)



Step 3:

Click Install Now


Step 4:




Note: If you add other sales reps to ActiveDEMAND and connect their accounts to Pipedrive, you 'can' use the employee API keys, but it is not recommended as the rate limits for API keys with Pipedrive are lower than Oath. We recommend connecting the account using Oath:



If you do not have an account yet ... get your FREE trial account here:  Click For Free Trial


Step 1

Authenticate your CRM in ActiveDEMAND. This is done under Administration ->Account Settings -> Integrations ->Third Party Applications ->Add Application.



Step 2:

In ActiveDEMAND, under Automation->Lead Processing you can customize your lead distribution and lead management. If you have access to the Sales Lead Notifications or Phone Call Sales Notification workflows, you now will see a new workflow item in the Workflow Actions. 


Note: If your Sales Lead Notifications workflow is read-only, send an email to, they will add the Pipedrive workflow element to your workflow for you. 


This action will give you the ability to post/update a deal in Pipedrive. 



You will be able to choose who the lead gets posted under (i.e. salesperson) or to the assigned sales person.



Note, that if the prospect does not have a contact manager in ActiveDEMAND and you choose 'contact manager' in the drop-down, the deal will not be created/updated. You must ensure there is an assigned contact manager before the deal is posted/updated. You do have the option in the sales contact dropdown to choose who the deal will be posted to.


Step 3:

Whenever a contact is pushed to Pipedrive from ActiveDEMAND, the standard and custom fields in ActiveDEMAND can be mapped to the standard/custom fields in Pipedrive. You must set this mapping up for ActiveDEMAND to know which fields to update in Pipedrive. In the Account Settings (Administration->Account Settings), scroll down to the Integrations Tab. 

There should be a button called Pipedrive Field Mapping. Click this. 


You can map ActiveDEMAND fields to Pipedrive Fields:



Optional (but highly recommended):

In Pipedrive

Set up custom fields in Pipedrive. The two fields we highly recommend you add are:
In your settings, browse to Customize fields, select the People Tab:



Add the following fields:

Field Name: ActiveDEMAND Lead Score
Field Type:Text


The ActiveDEMAND Lead Score will add the current lead score (calculated in ActiveDEMAND) to the contact. Map this to Lead Score in ActiveDEMAND


If you do not have an account yet ... get your FREE trial account here:  Click For Free Trial


Importing Contacts From Pipedrive -> ActiveDEMAND


There are two ways of importing contacts from Pipedrive to ActiveDEMAND. 



Option 1: In ActiveDEMAND, browse to Contacts->Import Contacts. You should see an option for pulling contacts from Pipedrive. 

You will be given full control over what to do if contacts exist, what fields map to what, etc.




Option 2:  Automatically update contacts in ActiveDEMAND from Pipedrive


One of the more powerful features of the ActiveDEMAND-Pipedrive integration is the ability to update contacts in ActiveDEMAND automatically. To automatically push changes from pipedrive to ActiveDEMAND, use the contact import scheduler under Contacts->CRM Contact Updates

Pipedrive will update ActiveDEMAND whenever a contact is changed in Pipedrive. The import scheduler filter system allows you to have full control over what gets data and which contacts are automatically updated in ActiveDEMAND.


Note: the webhook is called to update when:

  • An organization is updated
  • A deal is updated
  • A contact is updated
  • A contact is created



Note: as with any import, ActiveDEMAND will never delete data as a result of an import. Most fields will 'update' as a result of an import with the exception of phone numbers and email addresses. As a contact can have more than one email address, an import will add email addresses and phone numbers to the existing list.


Automatically Push Prospect Activities to Pipedrive


If you are looking to have marketing email sends and marketing email opens in Pipedrive, you will want to use the Activity Scheduler workflow item.


In Pipedrive

Step 1:

Add new activity types:

  1. Marketing Email
  2. Asset Download




In the Pipedrive  Activity Posting workflow (Automation->Lead Processing->Pipedrive Email Activity Posting), you will need to update each of the existing custom activity objects to map to the custom activities you created in the previous step. Be sure you assign a contact owner to each action as Pipedrive requires a contact owner for all engagement with a contact in Pipedrive.


Click To Call


As ActiveDEMAND is a call tracking platform, you can do outbound call tracking from within Pipedrive. 


Using the Chrome Extension (The Easy Way)

Install The Chrome Extension



Step 1:

Buy at least one call tracking number. (Assets->Call Tracking Numbers)

In Pipedrive:

You do not have to do a thing!! You are set. No magic. Purchase a call tracking number in ActiveDEMAND and you are set.



More on this topic:

Working with CRM deals/opportunities within ActiveDEMAND





Read this article for all of the options: Click Here

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