If you accidentally deleted an asset, workflow, or contact(s), we have you covered...
Deleted items go to your trash can before they are permanently deleted. This gives you the opportunity to recover any accidental deletions. You can restore your deleted object by clicking the 'Restore' icon next to the asset as shown below:
ActiveDEMAND gives you a timeframe to recover an asset before the system deletes it permanently. If you manually delete an asset, or don't recover it in time, it is lost forever and can NOT be recovered.
How long to items live in the trash before they are permanently deleted by ActiveDEMAND?
Contacts can be recovered from the trash up to 4 days from the initial delete request. After four days, they are permanently deleted by the system if you do not restore them.
All other items including assets & workflows can be recovered for 1 month before they are permanently deleted by the system if you do not restore them.
I don't want to wait, how can I permanently delete?
Alternatively, you can permanently delete individual assets by clicking the 'X' icon, or clicking the 'Empty Trash' button the trash and delete ALL assets.
Again - this is permanent and there is no turning back, so do so at your own risk. ActiveDEMAND will not be able to recover anything deleted from the trash.
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