Using Emoticons or Emoji

ActiveDEMAND now supports emoticons and emoji in email subject lines, social posts, and more. Emoticons are nicer icon representations of text such as using 😊 for :)

Why 👏 use 👏 Emoticons?

Emoticons help differentiate your email subject line from everyone else's. While some people have very sophisticated email filters that categorize their emails for them, many people use no filtering or labelling in their email and it's a bit of a mess of text. Adding one or a couple emoticons that help categorize the type of email you're sending can help users quickly find it and understand what's in the email.

Are Emoticons still used today📅?

Yes. As of this writing, we still see both large and small email senders using emoticons in their email subject lines. Everyone from Google to Staples uses them to differentiate email subject lines.

How do I add Emoticons

Emoticon support is built-in to many phone keyboards as well as a newly added UI to add them on Emails and Social Media posts. Use the Insert Emoticon button:



And add your favorite emojis as shown in the clip below!


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